Carolina Colours is fortunate to have an experienced and personable team that enhances the livability of Carolina Colours. Some of those special people include the following:

Sales Team

Onsite sales are handled by Bruce Birnbaum, Jami Turner, Wendy Jones and Steve Tuzo, experienced, knowledgeable and easy to work with. They provide a low key and informative source of information for prospects and residents alike.


Suzanne Vincent supervises the administrative/sales office, assists the sales staff and is the prime resource for providing information and assistance to property owners. Known, liked and respected by all residents, she also has been with Carolina Colours since its inception.


Ali Blaylock handles the bookkeeping for the various Carolina Colours entities, including the HOA, Golf Course and sales.  She is a pleasure to work with.


Ken Kirkman and Kip Peregoy are on site. Kirkman is in charge of the development and lives in the community. In his capacity as a real estate attorney, he structured the community as its developer and continues involvement in all aspects of its operations. Peregoy, a former Weyerhaeuser project manager, manages the infrastructure construction and maintenance as well as the review process for homes being submitted for construction approval. Both are available to prospects and residents on a daily basis.


Ken Gerhardt is the general manager for both the master property owner association as well as the golf operation. A tireless worker, he has been with Carolina Colours since the construction of the Pavilion, our community clubhouse. With many years of experience running hospitality operations throughout the country, he knows both what owners want and what logistics are required to make all the facilities and activities work smoothly.


With great training and many years of experience in and around Wilmington, Raleigh and Carteret County, chef Michael Tynan brings an exciting culinary variety to Carolina Colours.  Whether it be our luncheon café, our Tuesday and Friday night dinners, or our special occasion banquets.